Men's Testosterone Replacement Blood Test
Our Men's Health Blood tests are designed to give you confidence & provide insight into your current and future health.
Whether you are considering male testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or would like to ensure you are in the best physical health going forward, our uniquely designed blood tests provide a comprehensive review of your health including critical biomarkers for cognitive, cardiovascular, hormone, metabolic & prostate health.
Flexible blood test options: Book in at our Guildford, Haslemere or Sutton Clinics, alternatively at one of our partner clinics* across the UK
Scroll down to request a blood test with our partner clinics
Men's Health Testosterone Replacement + Health Check
This test is uniquely designed to include a comprehensive review of men's health biomarkers and the additional hormonal tests required prior to starting or considering testosterone replacement.
The test includes albumin, full blood count, FSH, homocysteine, liver & kidney function, cholesterol and lipids, prostate panel, uric acid, free testosterone, total testosterone, SHBG, LH, oestradiol, and HBA1c which measures blood glucose control
Booking your blood test at one of our many partner clinics across the UK
Complete this form and we will send you details of our partner clinics to book your prelimenary blood test
*Nationwide will charge an additional fee for taking the blood test